Nika’s Friends Episode Ten Hello, you are listening to Nika s Friends; I am OA, your host; welcome to Episode ten. Please make sure you follow the story from the first episode; don't lose the tail. In 1979 a life changer decision changed the lives of millions of people in Iran and the middle east. Iran's Islamic Revolution shook the world with currents that continue to be felt today. Decades later, the details of this watershed event—which redrew the geopolitical order in many ways—are worth recalling. It is time for us to think more about a familiar name with filthy ambitions behind it: 'Disgusting tricks of Propaganda.' Music: Mohsen Namjoo The Shah of Iran and his family leave Iran for Egypt, apparently for "vacation." As he departs, the shah tells Prime Minister Bakhtiar: "I give Iran into your care, yours and God's." Khomeini, known as Ayatollah, sat in the first-class compartment of the chartered Boeing 747, looking out through the window at the country he had left fifteen years before. He was getting prepared for this mission for years before. Khomeini was known and wanted by people because of Propaganda. The leader of the Revolution of barefoot people, as he claimed, with this anthem: “Autonomy, liberty and the Islamic republic.” Here is how a beloved leader of barefoot people responds to this reporter on the flight back to Iran after 15 years of exile; (Report from 1972) I tell you what the interpreter didn't dare to translate : “Hichi!” In Persian means “Nothing”. But in a rude and mean way. The night before The cunning Propaganda Nika pushed her head back. Nasrin held her breath! She breathed Nika's soul in the last inhale, one more time4, as both would remember, when they were one, before the happening! Nika always called her birthday the final Fall!! She was sure there was no darkness darker than her life! She knew after this nightmare which people call 'life", won't be anything worse! she always knew, but now: they both, mother and daughter, began living that knowledge! Music: Mohsen Chavoshi Oh God: I am Rusting in the corner of this house. Wow! Isn't there any door around these walls? How much longer will we survive with a lack of love? Isn't it a lawless world? I think so! My eyes are blurry as much as I cried! Will I ever become free from my house?! I'm rotten, and I still hope sparkles in my soul! I've been dying, correct? But I am still alive. Nasrin tried to keep her shaky fingers between her beloved Nika's hair; she didn't want to lose this security! she was scared of letting Nika's hair and her breath out! Nasrin -I don't want to lose her! I don't want her to go! Nasrin said and breathed out. Her old soal fell out of her mouth and nose. Tears began running down her cheeks like a mad fresh river! It wouldn't stop unless they were in the ocean! Writer: OA A creation of OAMAGAZINE