hot girl healing episode 3 === [00:00:00] Well, hello, my little queens and welcome back to the Hot Girl Healing Podcast. So if you're new here, this is the Hot Girl Healing Podcast. We talk about all things spirituality, hot girl healing, self-help, and bettering your life. So if you were listening before or if you've tuned into previous episodes, um, I know I kind of said that I was gonna release episodes every Thursday. Honestly, I'm, I'm just a human too, having a human experience and sometimes life gets in the way and. Even though I have a podcast talking about self-help, healing better in your life, motivation, self-discipline, that doesn't mean I don't struggle with these things too. And a big thing for me is self-discipline. And even, even though I can give you all the tools and even though I have all the tools to help myself, sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. You know what I mean? Like sometimes my insecurities do get [00:01:00] the better of me as well, and. . I'm gonna be completely honest. Sometimes I still feel like, well, what? This is all stuff people could Google. And yes it is, but I hope that I can deliver it in a way that maybe you've never heard before, maybe resonates with you. And that's the whole point of this podcast, is that maybe I can say things in a way that will resonate with you. And if I can only. One person then that makes all of it worth it. And I'm trying to see it from a perspective, from that perspective rather than thinking about myself and thinking about if I'm educated enough to teach you guys this stuff. And you know, I just, I have my own issues as well, just as everyone else does, cuz ultimately we are all just souls having a human experience going through the same things, but, Anyway, I am back and I am here with another episode today. Today's episode, episode three. Um, I really [00:02:00] want to focus on lessons that we can take from the universe, like universal lessons that we can take from the earth and from this planet that we exist on, from the planet, I guess is a better way to word it. Um, so let's just dive right in. You know, I don't wanna waste no time. Let's just immediately. thought that was me snapping . All right, let me just get right into it here. Okay, so the first thing I wanna say is just let your energy be your guide. Let your intuition guide you. Like recently I've been feeling so lost. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life, with myself, with anything. Everything is just like so up in the air for me right now. and I just realized this is not unique to me. This is a very common experience, especially for women in their twenties to have, and I. , I don't have all the answers. I don't have it all figured out. I can. I wanna help people through things that I've been through and [00:03:00] give you knowledge that has helped me, but that doesn't mean that I am perfect and I am healed. Something that I've just realized lately is just let your energy be your guide. , let your intuition guide you. There are, there are no mistakes and no accidents in this universe. Every single thing that happens happens for a reason, and it happens at the right place and at the right time. So let go of questioning the why. The why. Why is this happening to me? Why am I in this position? Why don't I have it all figured out? Just trust that everything happens to you for your higher good. and then everything that happens to you is part of a bigger plan of your soul journey. Everything that happens to you is for a reason, and there are no mistakes. We are all just souls. Like at the end of the day, no matter what you believe, we are all just souls existing in this human experience. No one has [00:04:00] all the answers. No one has it all figured out. There is no guidebook. There is no rule book to this life. . You gotta just take what resonates. Trust your intuition, let it guide you. And just understand there are no mistakes. There is, you cannot make a mistake because every choice you make is for you. And it is part of a bigger plan and part of a bigger journey. So there is no mistakes. So if you're always finding yourself getting caught up in, oh, I don't know if I should do that. I don't know what choice to make, I'm so indecisive. Just take a step back. Realize that there is no mistakes. Whatever choice you make will be the right choice for you. And because we are all souls, we all chose this life. Like I believe that we all came into this existence, this universe as a soul, and we chose our body. We chose our parents. We chose the life we're gonna have on this planet. I don't believe that [00:05:00] everything is predetermined, but I do believe that we chose which body to go into, which parents we were gonna have, the type of experiences we were gonna have, the type of person we were gonna be. I believe that we all chose that, and if you're willing to accept that and believe that as well, it's very freeing. If you're willing to accept that mindset that we all chose this, you chose to be who you are, you chose your parents, you chose this life and this life that is so unique and special to you, then I think that's very freeing because that means that nothing happens to you. It's happening for you, and just let that sink in and realize how beautiful that is, because things are happening for you. Even if it hurts in the moment, even if it feels like shit right now, it's happening for you to better you. And to allow you to continue on your soul journey towards your ultimate purpose. So on that note, today's episode is gonna be about lessons we can take from the earth and [00:06:00] from the universe, from Mother Earth, from this planet, lessons from this planet that we can take. So whether you believe in astrology or not doesn't really matter. This does relate a little bit to astrology, um, the four elements. So, fire, earth, water, and air. That does relate to astrology and I am relating it a bit to astrology, but I think it's a deeper lesson that we can all take, whether you believe in astrology or not. So, um, right now I'm gonna get into what those four elements are and how they relate to your life and the lessons that you can take from them. , I want you to be, be like the water. I want you to flow with what's around you. Let the current of life and your experiences carry you. Just think about water. When you picture water, there's lots of different types of water, first of all. But if you picture a fast moving current, that is your life and sometimes. Your journey and your mission, and all you need to do is let, let it take [00:07:00] you and just surrender and allow yourself to be swept away. And honestly, just surrender to the experiences that you've been given because you've been given these experiences, you've been given these hardships. All the horrible things that you've been been through or that have happened to you, have happened for you. And if you just allow yourself to surrender. , sometimes that's the right thing to do, and I think that's a big lesson that we can take from the planet is water can be fast moving and if it's fast moving, just like life, we need to flow with it. We need to go with it. And also water can be still, and when water is still, that's reminding us that we need to just take a. Breathe, live in the moment, be present. Take a deep breath, and honestly, allow yourself to relax. Allow yourself to just let go. Like I would say that is the biggest lesson that we can take from water, that sometimes you just need to let go, [00:08:00] either, whether that be being still meditating, being calm, being present, or just letting go and letting your experiences guide you, letting your intuition guide you. genuinely just going with the flow of what happens. So I think that's a big lesson that we can take away from this planet. Okay, so number two would be Earth. So when we think about Earth, it's very grounded, stable, unchangeable our home, like home. So I think that. . In that comes a lesson that sometimes we need to be grounded. We need to be firm about what we believe in. We need to be unchangeable, especially when it comes to boundaries, other people and what you want and need. Sometimes it's good to be firm, unchangeable and just grounded and. only. You know what you need. Only you know what's best for you. And sometimes you need to be firm and stand by that and don't let other people [00:09:00] influence you in that sense. Um, and I think that's a good lesson that we can take from the earth because the earth is very grounded, stable, unchangeable, and that's how we need to be as well sometimes. So, Some examples of this would be boundaries, disciplines, stability, trusting in yourself, trusting in your own morals and values, knowing what's right for you. And standing by that, I understand this one in a bit more of an astrological way where earth science tend to be very grounded, firm on their boundaries, unchangeable, fixed. Earthly energy is where some things are just really fixed and unchangeable, and that's kind of how life can be sometimes, because we really can't control what happens to us and we can't control what happens around us. We can't control other people and the way other people act. But if you shift that mindset into things are happening for me rather than, to me, that should help a lot with that. [00:10:00] And also just accepting. , we can't control other people or their actions, which is where the water comes in. So you just need to flow with it and let it go. But if it is harming you, other people and their actions or things that are happening to you, then the earth is a good reminder to be firm. Be firm in your boundaries, be unchangeable, be true to who you are. But then sometimes next comes the air. And sometimes we need to be more like the air. So the air consumes the environment around it. The air takes shape of whatever it is in the air adapts, it flows, it's, it integrates. So sometimes we wanna take a lesson and be more like air to form to the environment around us. Change and adaptability is so necessary and, and just remembering that things can't always stay the same. And if things are always the same, there's no growth. There's no growth [00:11:00] in things staying the same. However, with this, don't abandon the earth aspect of it. Don't abandon. Yourself, your fixed qualities, your boundaries, what you need and expect from other people. Don't abandon that in the air sign of just trying to allow yourself to be free flowing and just breathe life into everything that you do. And like air is always around us, but we don't always see it because it forms to everything around it. And sometimes that's how we need to be. We need. Adapt and form to the situation, form to the environments around us. We can't be so fixed or so stuck in our ways that we're unwilling to adapt or change. Allow yourself the freedom and the space to be adaptable. And this is a good lesson from nature too, because birds adapt. Birds migrate south every single year, um, at the same time every year. And they do this so that they can survive [00:12:00] and just like. . We can also take a lesson from that because we need to adapt in order to survive. And if we're looking at it from a more astrological perspective, air is inquisitive. Air is curious. Air is always asking questions, trying to get information. Air is communication and knowledge always flowing around Can. just wants to know everything wants to be everywhere at the same time. And then lastly, we have fire. And when you think about fire, fire is warm, bold, dominant, wild, sometimes fun. When I think about a fire, I think about a bonfire and people all sitting around it laughing, having a good time. And that's kind of what fire is about. Fire is the life force almost. I mean, they are all equally important of course, but. Fire is the one that really consumes all the other fire, brings the most energy. And sometimes you need to be like that. Sometimes [00:13:00] you need to bring the ultimate energy, bring out the most authentic and true version of yourself. Just allow yourself to be bold, be dominant, be true to yourself, and and engulf things. Engulf things, engulf people. . Don't be afraid to be, don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't be afraid to be wild and crazy and fun and let loose. That's okay too. And that's a lesson that we can take from fire. So how do you know which element you need to be? Because different situations, different times in our life, call for us to act differently and behave differently and make different choices, make different decisions. So a secret. I have discovered is that if I genuinely allow myself to just sit in silence, close my eyes, take a deep breath, and ask myself, I literally ask myself in my head, which element do I [00:14:00] need to be right now? Which energy do I need to be in? Do I need to adapt? Do I need to be firm on my boundaries? Do I need to be wild and crazy and warm and fun, or do I need to just go with the flow and let life take? So I will literally ask myself, which element do I need to be right now? How can I be in tune with the planet and the lessons that I can gain from the planet? How can I apply that right now? And you'll be shocked. Um, it might sound silly, but if you actually try it and you ask yourself questions, and this could be anything like, before I've been confused about things in my life and I've just sat down, closed my eyes, and asked. , and you'll be surprised that the answer will literally come to you. And the thing is, when the answer comes to you, don't question it. Don't start overthinking and being like, oh, well that can't be true. I can't do that. That's no, that's just my mind, just saying things. Nothing is an accident. Nothing is a mistake, and nothing is an [00:15:00] accident. Every single thing happens for a reason. Every thought you have comes from summer, and we don't know where thoughts come. and maybe that's the beauty in it. I like to think that thoughts come from a higher power, a higher source, and I don't know if I necessarily believe in God or whatever. Whatever your beliefs are, that is totally fine, but thoughts don't come from nowhere. Nothing is random. Nothing is a coincidence. So just trust yourself. Trust that within your soul, you know what's right for you, and whatever answer comes to. . You need to be able to trust that and know that that's your intuition speaking to you, that's your higher self speaking to you, and let it speak to you. Let it speak through you and take action based on what it says. And just like I said before, there is no such thing as a mistake or a wrong choice. Every single choice you make is the right choice. and every single choice you make is a part of your soul [00:16:00] journey and what you're meant to experience in this lifetime. Give this little exercise a try. Sit down, ask yourself, which element do I need to be today? Do I need to be Earth? Do I need to be? Do I need to be earth? Do I need to be fixed, grounded, enforcing my boundaries and remaining grounded in my own beliefs, morals, and experie. or do I need to be water? Do I need to go with the flow right now? Let life take. or alternatively, do I need to be like water and be still and give myself the space to take time for myself and be quiet and let myself rest? What do I need? Or do I need to be air? Do I need to just adapt and change to what's around me and let this experience, or whatever it is you're questioning, do I need to just go with that and let it take me and just adapt as I go, just form to whatever is around me. Do I need to do? Or do I need to [00:17:00] be fired? Do I need to be bold? Do I need to take up space? Do I need to dominate the energy? Do I need to be wild and crazy and fun and let loose? What do I need right now? That's what, that's what the biggest lesson of this is, is just giving yourself the time and the space and the freedom to sit down and ask yourself, what do I need right now? And I promise you, you will be shocked at how. Quickly and easily, your mind will respond and the answers will come to you. The hard part is trusting those answers and trusting that whatever comes to you is right, and that's where just trusting your intuition comes in and knowing that only you, only you, no one else on this planet knows what is best for you, not your parents, not your friends, not your boyfriend, not your girl. only you because this is your journey. This is your life. You are living for yourself and you should [00:18:00] be living for yourself, and you should allow yourself to live for yourself and live your most authentic truth. No matter who it hurts, no matter who doesn't. Agree. It doesn't matter cuz you are living this life for you. It's actually crazy when you think about it. Just how blessed we are to even have this experience to. be able to have this human experience on this planet. And when you think about it, all the things that came together to make our life possible from the first little bacteria, cells that were found on earth, how, whether you believe in evolution or whatever you believe, It is a miracle that we are here. It is a miracle that every single thing on this planet has worked out to sustain our life. And I just believe that there's a lot of lessons that we can take from what we already have on this planet because nothing is known. Nothing is for sure. There is nothing, I don't know about nothing, but there are [00:19:00] very few things on this earth that are 100% concrete for sure cannot be argued with. And one of them. , earth, fire, water, air, the four things we need to survive. And you could take that literally, or as I've just explained, you can take that metaphorically and gain insights from our planet and use them in your own life and determine what you need based on that. All right, you guys. That was, that was a lot. But, um, thank you so much for listening. If you made it all the way to the end, I love you so much. Thank you so much for listening, and I will see you guys in the next episode. I can't wait.