0:08 You're listening to social bees radio, where we put to honey in the honey pots. I'm your director, director. And if you ever wanted to know everything and anything about web three crypto or NF T's, you're in the right place. So fasten your seat belt, get ready, let's get started 0:36 Well, good afternoon, or good evening or good morning, depending upon where in the world you are. Thank you for the opportunity today to allow you to watch the swarm unplug. We're very excited. Today we got one of our dowel members of the social BS community, the V dow. And I'm super excited. And I'm really just going to jump right into this is Brian Harper. He has an absolutely marvelous program that he's worked on platform e commerce related to crypto. And I'm just going to bring him right on and get right to the meat of what he is doing. And you are going to be surprised, elated. Your mouth is going to drop open. If you don't know anything about his project. This is a way for us to move the crypto adoption to the real public in a very big way. Welcome, Brian. How are you? 1:36 I'm doing great. How you doing this morning, 1:39 I'm doing great doing fantastic. did have a couple opportunities to catch you on a few of the live streams in Twitter. I know that on the t raise show that your platform was announced. And they went over some of the particulars of it in your absence. But I want you here today in person to tell us about your project and how it actually became you know, it started what what was the motivating reason that you started this project? 2:14 We have to go back a couple of years to the beginning. If that's okay, that's 2:19 fine. Hey, it's your cat form. I think people were very interested in hearing you know where this first began? 2:26 Yeah, my motivation it. It came from our old friend ray of light, when he introduced me to what became the BS, don't over two years ago. And in introducing me to it, he showed me the Opus idea, and how it worked to support the partners on Opus and earn OS coins. And when he explained to me what that was all about, he got my interesting right away, because the way he described it to me was the app. And the blockchain implementation that Opus was doing, would allow people to anywhere with a phone to mine this OS coin, and then eventually it would be made ready for commerce. And people would be able to spend the coin. And that individually, we would be able to reach out and help specific individuals that were mining the coin. If we wanted to, and it was it, it originally gave me a peek into being able to directly reach out and help somebody. And the way that I described it to my wife, and we were considering it was if I had a friend someplace in say, South America or Mexico, or a friend of a friend or whatever, someone that needed help, say, to buy a goat, so that they would have you know, milk for the family. I could get in touch with that person and decide if I wanted to help them. And if I did, I could give them directly Linden, the funds to buy that goat wouldn't have to go through to find some charity to interface with to have take half the money or more before it actually got to be a goat in this man's backyard or this person's backyard. And that really lit a fire under me because one of the things that we have been dealing with over the years is how to minimize the overhead that is extracted from charitable donations that we make before the money actually gets to the intended beneficiary Other than the individual or community or disaster relief for or anything, because we were painfully aware of the overhead that these charities suffered raising funds to help people. So I saw this as an answer to that. And I got involved with the project, and it evolves slowly. And it's beginning to come to the point where it's going to actually be live and come to fruition through the use of a new coin that was introduced, again, prior to the bees, preceding the bees itself, and that's in two. So now, what we're looking forward to in the very near future, is people with the openness idea that have been earning this OS coin, to be able to use that coin and the app to now mine into into as a real token, on the blockchain that has real world value. It's listed on coin Gecko. As it's a, it's a very strong, stable, fair coin, that is designed to become a transactional coin to be used in Congress. And that was the idea behind it. Now, all of a sudden, now we've got two out of three pieces, right? We've got a piece where the individuals themselves can earn the OS, they are going to be with mindI in two. So now they're going to have a wallet within to it that has the dollar value. So let's say that take $10 into in their, in their wallet on their app on their phone. I thought that wouldn't they didn't know how to extend it. Who's going to take it? Well, that issue was early on discussed in brief. And basically, it was, if there was commerce to be done, someone will figure out how to do it. So 7:07 well have a question that that, in my mind, I'm not sure I understand if at this point in time, or what is your expectation where the m two token can or will be mined using the Opus app? 7:28 Oh, they stated that it will occur at the point where the value of each into reaches 10 cents. Okay. So at that point that will be enabled on the phones, people were able to start collecting that into into their app into the wallet, the Open ID app is actually a void. Okay, so then we then we get to the point and how they spend it, what do they do with it? I mean, they probably know the typically the individuals that I'm thinking of, Okay, now let's go back to the guy in Mexico that wants to go, okay. He probably doesn't have a bank account, certainly doesn't have a checking account, he may not have any access to any kind of financial institutions at all, in the way where he's living. So he's transacting on a local level with the businesses that are in his community, whether it's the merchant that sells groceries, or vendors that sell their their fruits and vegetables, or their or fish or whatever, but they're typically these, you know, these communities exist on a fairly closed basis from the financial standpoint when they're small, and underserved and underdeveloped. So, but they do have cell phones going or not cell phones. So what they're going to be able to what they need to be able to do is spin that into, so how they how they accomplish that was TPT nobody, you know, nobody. There wasn't a solution presented at the time. Okay, so, in my misspent youth, I spent a few years living in a very small town in Mexico, okay, which is kind of why the reference when I when I brought up, but during my time there, I got to know the thing. We were the only Americans in town. And we got to know everybody pretty much so the town was actually economically it was driven by three families and they owned grocery stores. They owned the ranches. They owned the cows, the milk, the goats, the cheese, and then they provided them to their stores. People came in bought from them. They brought product in from lockers, which is about 100 miles away, to start the stores and so the people in the town that's that's where they shot they didn't go 100 miles to the pasta shop on a regular basis. So those people have the wherewithal to try and figure out how to take this coin from these people. But the solution was to be able to make anybody a vendor, quote unquote, a merchant, quote, unquote. What about the taxi drivers? What about the people who own the little restaurants? The professor, who is a teacher, and he owns, he's got a little pool hall, he sells beer. And there's fishermen, that fish for a living. And what do they do with that fish? Well, they can exchange it for pesos. But then you got a closed system, right? You got to have pesos to do to buy something. So what I came up with was, I became aware of the ens domains, dot eth domains. And what those domains do is they give you an English language, address or crypto as opposed to whatever it is 46 digit or character, string, a common thing that we all deal with day to day now. So that was cool. But what's even better is that you can give people individual accounts with that East domain name. So for example, rickster dot into cache dot East would replace your wallet address. Okay, so literally, somebody could type in rickster, dot empty cache, dot eth, and send you crypto, okay? Or I give you a QR code, they can scan the QR code, and that does the lifting and opens up your wallet to send the money to you. And all I have to do is pick a coin and how much they're gonna send you in boom, there. 12:09 Okay, yeah, okay, well, that opened my eyes. Because now I'm thinking, All I gotta do is get these people QR codes, or these these addresses. So we put together the business to do that we started making them available to the bees earlier this month. And we've had a great response, we've been very, very happy to death with the bees themselves and the support that they've given us. But the reason that we want to do this this way is because if we go back to that little town, where the three families have the the economy pretty much summed up and alter themselves now, they can afford to pay me $50 For five years to have a name and a QR code. So people can pay them into for right. Problem solved, right? Well, in line, like, that's only half the problem. Because now all I've done is I've perpetuated the the economic control that these families have over this community. Right. Okay. So that's not what I want to do. I mean, it is, it is what I want to do. I mean, I want people to be able to spend the time to when they get it, right. Because this does, letting them wind into it does two things. It gives them disposable income that they never had, right? Let's go with the worst case scenario. These people live in subsistence living. Okay. Now they've got a second income, disposable, and they're not dependent on the crop, necessarily, to to live or die. And that's kind of an extreme example, but you get my drift. 14:01 Yeah, yes. 14:02 So how do I how do we how do we avoid just perpetuating a current economic situation that isn't fair to everybody in that community? Well, we give them for free their own QR codes and their own name. So that the taxi driver has a QR code. Maria's restaurant that were she actually eating her backyard, she has a QR code, I can pin him to Maria's to get lunch. I can spend my time to Tic Tac Toe little pies, to buy some cheaper grocery, so I don't have to buy from the Martinez family or whatever. Okay, so now you've created a thriving economy, potentially, through the use of into the open ID app, and these QR codes and short names. And it's not just doable, it has to be done. I mean, I don't just feel excited, I feel compelled at this point to make this happen. So the idea, ultimately, this is this is what my plan is to do. That is to continue to sell this facility to developed countries and charge for it. And the profits, my partners, and I have agreed that we're going to, we're going to take those profits. And we're going to use them to give the QR codes away to people that can't afford them. And even people that can the three families that I mentioned my example families that run the account, we got to grocery stores and stuff, we're gonna give it to them to where they can afford it, but we're just gonna give it to him. I mean, 15:49 from what I'm seeing, as it looks today, you didn't stop there, you literally took it to the next level. And that's very exciting, where you've also introduced other crypto currencies within this same model, or E commerce or E commerce design. And that's quite interesting. I mean, tell me or us what point you said, Alright, fine, I've got a concept, I've got a model, I've got some developers. Now let's, let's expand that, outside of only the M to to the other available crypto currencies that people may have outside of them to it. That, to me is pretty dynamic jump. 16:38 This is the this is the beauty of the thing from the standpoint of a market for the product. And that is that we're not You're not limited to into with these things, right? Then there's over 150 Different cryptocurrencies that we support with these names and QR codes. It's up to the merchant to choose what they want to take in this instance, right? The ultimate goal is em to right. But the driving force behind it is all the other crypto. Because if if, if I walk into Oh, to get a haircut, yeah, right. And there's a there's a sign on the door, there was a QR code that says, we take Bitcoin, and I got fitclick, I take my aircon, typically, or we take eath or we take doetsch Doge just fine. We support that too. And that's become a transactional currency in some instances that people are aware of like what Dallas Mavericks and Tesla, I can't I don't know how much dodge it would take to buy a Tesla. But I don't want to do the math? 17:49 Well, the question that comes to my mind is a merchant that is somewhat dependent upon a full blown computer system. This can be integrated through API, or that's the next phase to be developed where it can be incorporated into his, you know, traditional payment systems, 18:13 there will be ways that we can do that we haven't really gone there at this point I am very familiar with merchant services was what we would be talking about in that situation. And that's basically the hook the company the services that allow you to walk into a store and slide your card to pay for things that whether it's a debit card or a credit card. The situation that the big difference between the two structures that we're talking about here is that what I have described, up to now is pure peer to peer transactions. Whereas I deal directly with you. And to pay for whatever it is, you're charging me for. Right? Now, the other model is to pay you I use PayPal, you swipe my credit card, I put my credit card on your website, that credit card can actually goes to a third party that verifies that you've got the funds and authorizes the transaction tells the merchant the merchant said you're gonna get your money from this guy and go ahead and give him the sandwich. Right, but it costs 19:30 money. That's the that's the difference. It's 19:32 cost lots of money. Okay, it every transaction costs, cost, equipment, fees, there's electricity, there's internet, I mean, you know, there's everything involved there. We've eliminated all that it's peer to peer there's no third party plus, one of the one of the worst things you have to deal with as a merchant is chargebacks with credit and you get a disgruntled A disgruntled customer well guess what visa goes to bat for that customer? Oh, yeah. Okay, because they're their business customer, they're not considered to be your customer at this point. Right? You go to DC to say that sandwich was rotten now my money back, this is going to come to you and say, This guy wants his money back and you give us a reason not to give it to him. Can take it back from you. 20:21 I fought that battle many a day. No, no. So well, jumping back a little bit on the multiple currencies at this point. And and the question is will it be expanded to other blockchains? Aside from will say the Ethereum blockchain for example. There's a huge community out there with the ripple net, you know, ripples, ripple net and maybe Stella's or did IBM blockchain. What's your plan in in incorporating additional blockchains 20:59 other blockchains can and will be incorporated in the future. And the way that we operate right now is we support for different block chains. Okay. Doge is its own blockchain, right? Bitcoin has its own blockchain. Litecoin has its own blockchain. Okay. And then the ERC 20 tokens which is the Ethereum blockchain, and all of the ERC 20 tokens we currently support. Yeah. To in order to support another blockchain is simply adding an additional translator for a different QR code to support say, polygon or Solara or a backs or, you know, some of the other change chains that will be driven by demand. Okay. If there's a demand for it, then we'll do our best to support it. At this point, we did all the high spots. Okay. Bitcoin Dogecoin, Litecoin. And all the Etherion based coins ERC 20 coins? So that's where we're at. I mean, that's pretty, that's a pretty good Launchpad, I think, 22:22 Oh, I think it's phenomenal. I mean, you know, if you said, Well, we're just going to do with Aetherium. I think you're you're losing ground, and the other three that you've chosen a certainly high up in the rankings of coins associated with those blockchains. So I think it made a wise choice in that regard. 22:41 It wasn't, it wasn't just a choice. It was what is currently supported by the infrastructure that we have available to us. Okay. So additions to it will require upgrades to infrastructure. But that will come with demand. So we're well positioned to where we're very comfortable with where we're at. And again, the ultimate goal is a if we can only handle 70% of the marketplace, that's still going to support our ultimate goal, which is to empower all those communities around the world to be able to transact into 23:20 your beautiful love it love it. I've got a short video that you have on your website, which I think it's entitled How to take crypto payments using my M to cash followed up with no returns no chargebacks, no 23:38 fees, no middleman, you and the customer. Yeah, 23:42 I'm gonna bring us back into the greenroom. And I'm gonna get this thing rolling. It's pretty short. It's about four and a half minutes. I think it'd be a good point to show you know, the world how easy. You've made this based upon the mobile app that you've got, whether it's, you know, fully developed, or it's just in its insipid stages, but I definitely want to share and show this. So give us a second here. We'll get back into this and we'll bring this up here. 24:12 Okay, a short How To video for collecting payments from customers and other individuals if you're a business or an individual using the service. The custom QR codes that we produce are scannable by crypto wallets that people have on their phones, like the one you're looking at, I had four wallets here. For demonstration purposes, your customers will will have one or more of the same law, it's maybe a couple of other types that are available as well. But they all have the ability to scan and make payments. So you log into the account and we will go to send bitcoin in this case, this is a trust wallet. You can see the several different coins that it supports. All of the coins actually that we also support over 130 Do you Aetherium coins as we point out on the site anyway, so like Bitcoin, if that's what they're gonna pay you with that get then an option for the recipient address, I can paste in the name of your business that we give you that's associated with the into cache dot eath domain, or they can scan it by tapping the little icon next to the word paste there. That's how trust wallet works. Next, we'll hop into a Doge wallet, though, which is really cool. All you do is hit the little paw scan QR code to make payment now it couldn't be simpler. So that to dodge people. bitcoin.com also has a really nice little feature just to scan a QR code and you can scan it from here. And you can see the icon there next to the bill. Or they can go into the wallet and hit the send and get to scan a QR code or they can link to a wallet that they already have installed or connected at this point. That's it, it's that easy. One more than we want to show you. That is Metamask and Metamask. We're gonna you just want to show you how easy it is to go through the payment process. It's the same for most of them, but we're going to do it here. This is a test account, it's a little bit of Aetherium and zero USD T and their USD T is $1, pegged, stable coin, they're called. And they're going to be worth right around $1 Within a few hundreds. At any given time anyway, your customer would just use the scan up there on the right corner, the little blue square with the blue corners on it and scan a QR code, we're going to do that now the QR code that's on the mind to cash site. It's that quick. It loads the send function, insert the address that is associated with that QR code, the wallet address verifies it gives it a green check if it's good to go, your customer would then hit next, it would select the coin that he's wants, he's going to pay you that will be the coin that you accepted, obviously. And there are two ways to enter an amount here. You can enter the number of USD T to pay or the number of dollars to pay. So if we switch it by tapping there, and we put in $25 here, then that comes to 25.0669 to USD T because the USD T is worth just slightly less than $1. Anyway, it's that easy. Your customer would then tap next and move on there's insufficient funds, but at this point, there will be asked to confirm confirm the transaction they will confirm it and the money will be sent to you your account the recipient account immediately. No fees, no chargebacks. No fraud, could you be face to face with the customer at this point. And they walk out the store happy refunds of course between you and the customer. But again, no chargebacks no middleman. No one ever touches your crypto and no fees you pay no fees ever beyond this the account subscription fee that you paid to get their account. Thank you very much for your attention. Ah, that 28:41 was pretty simple, pretty straightforward. I love the fact that you know, the four or five different wallets you have are all earmarks specific to the token that you have. And of course, if you have meta mask and you've got a variety of different token assets in that, well then you can use that one for across the board. Is that correct? 29:03 Yeah, that is correct. And you can add other blockchains to your meta mask wallet as well. Right. So you could you could support like you were talking about Red Bull or some other some other change currency if if and when that actually comes about or when I should say that comes about the bound to happen. But 29:24 I'm impressed. Very excited. When is the official launch date? Is that something that's you can release with us here? Are 29:35 we we've been on a salt will call we call a soft launch just with the beach community this month. That is coming to an end. Midnight. Tomorrow tonight. Tomorrow. Good day is Tuesday. 29:51 Today is Wednesday, midday. Wednesday. 29:54 Okay. Tomorrow's not today's 31st midnight tonight. Have lunch, it's over. 30:01 All right. Now let's ask a couple questions. I have the link up, which is my M to cash.com. If someone were to go there, you actually have an application to open an account. And from what I'm understanding, it's a five year account. Are you offering from now till midnight, any sort of a coupon code or discount for those that want to jump on board here within the next 11 hours? 30:30 Sure, do 50% off respect to $25 for five years, that's the only the only charge. And that's for bees. So if you put bees in, were asked, if you have a coupon code, you'll get 50% off till midnight. That's right. 30:49 So let's let's make sure everybody is absolutely aware of that. And I'm going to just jump into the screen here. Let's see if I can pull this off. It's going to be Chrome. And I'm going to say, I think it's this share screen right here. So this is the apps actual application. And I did get there from my m two cache a.com run into the QR code, you got a get your account now. And if I click that link takes us to a basic application. First name, email address. I guess please enter your requested account names here. And you want a few of them to make sure that they are available. 31:37 Yeah, we're having to do this manually right now. When we roll out to the public, it will be automated. Okay, but right now we have to manually make sure that the names available before we take your money. 31:49 Right. And then here is where you would enter. Is it case sensitive? No. I actually hit enter and B's here. From now until midnight, and the $50 fee for five years will be reduced to $25. That's amazing. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. So when you stop Excuse me. How do I stop my spiritual? 32:18 Have a sip of water? Yeah. Oh, I got the stage to myself. Thanks, everybody for coming. I'd appreciate it. I can't wait for you just thanking everybody for coming. 32:33 Yeah, you're welcome. Thanks for getting me my my coffee SIP to appease my my throat excuse me, I think down here in Florida. Since the knife, going from like 95, outside to like 65 inside and back and forth and back. It's hard to adjust my body. So I'm blaming it on the AC systems. Why not? But I think this is a phenomenal platform. Very excited. Second, 33:15 go ahead. 33:19 Got nothing like choking on live stream? 33:24 Real life we're doing real life. You're right. 33:26 Absolutely. Absolutely. Just as my typical disclaimer here, we like to tell people this is not financial advice. It's for entertainment purposes only. And I think that we have been absolutely more than entertained today. And wishing you the greatest success in your project. And I'm I'm a supporter of it. So if anything that I can do facilitate this out there, you know, to a bigger scale, I'm here just let me know what we can do. And 34:01 the only thing that I'd like to say is that we're getting ready to take a crack. We're getting ready to open this up to the public. Now when I do that, I'm going to be advertising to small business owners. Okay, now, names are unique. So there's only like it says on the website, there's only going to be one Bob spikes. Second person is going to be Bob spike number two or something like that. So I'm encouraging people in it see this even after today. You might want to you know, get on your horse and get your name reserved. Because when that when they when they start coming. You're gonna get the hang, you're gonna go fast, and we're going to be introducing some other domain names. We have this I'll drop a nugget for you here. Now we also have takes crypto dot eath. So rickster takes crypto that is in chaos ahead accepts crypto that is. So Richter accepts crypto. So those are going to be rolled out over the next month. Okay? And is it going to be the same situation first come first serve, okay, if you wanted to make sure you get your business name, your personal name, your handle, you know, it can be your personal name, it can be your Twitter handle, it can be whatever you want. But there's only one. 35:39 So now at what happens if somebody does have already purchased a.edu domain name, or their can that be used outside of your, I'm going to call it a sub domain of the empty cache. 35:57 If a business or an individual has purchased around each domain, they don't need us. They have everything we have. So if you had registered on eath, that's it. That's all you need. That's it. That's it? You just you just assign that as your primary account name. When you buy it, and that's it. Richard that eat? Okay, it's so simple. That it that sounds simple. But we'll be glad to help you when you get started with that, if you don't, if you don't know what to do with it. 36:42 Is there is there a underlying benefit to using one of your domain names. 36:50 You don't have to do anything technical, it's all done for you. Okay, you don't have to, you know, you don't have to manage that side of the house. Let's put it that way. We make it as simple as possible. And if somebody wants to set up their business, you know, with their own daddy's domain name, we're happy to help you with that. I mean, the idea is adoption. It's not necessarily. I mean, this is everybody in the pool time. Okay? If somebody comes to us and say, hey, we'd like to do what you're doing. We want to be able to use our dot eight domain name, just like you're doing yours. So that our, our members, our people, our community, can have the service but with our domain name, will you help us? You bet we'll help you. Not only that, we'll get you set up, but the software that we're developed to help you manage that and and carry it forward. This is everybody in the we're not trying to hold on to anything or make any exclusivity here. We want everybody doing it. Well, that was 37:49 the question. If you're developing a software platform, that's something above and beyond just owning a.edu domain name. 38:01 Well, if you're gonna do this, you know, if you're gonna take, if somebody's gonna send you money, you're gonna have to be able to see it arrived. Right, so you can let them walk out with a sandwich? Uh huh. Well, our software will provide that as part of the portal. 38:15 Okay, so we haven't we haven't seen your software yet. Correct? 38:19 No, no, no, no, if this is we're developing at an enterprise scale software. 38:30 Anybody has access to that once it gets developed, and you're willing to share that with the world? Absolutely. Beautiful. And who could ask for anything more? I mean, that that is commendable. 38:45 Oh, why wouldn't we? I mean, I can't I can't imagine why we would try to try to, you know, keep this to ourselves. I mean, no, 38:55 no, no, but of course, there are some, you know, expenses in design and development that you would might, you know, want to, you know, recoup that at some level, but you know, the way you'd hear 39:09 Okay, listen, let me let me be honest with you, if McDonald's come to us and says, Hey, we want to use your software, because we want to do McDonald's studies. And we want to be able to, you know, give people you know, a McDonald's name. And we want to use your software, I want to say well, Tony got boy, you should pay and freight. Okay. Red Cross comes to me and says, Hey, we really want to be able to use your software to help our, you know, help us do this and that and cut our expenses to collect money and things of that nature. You get it for free. So it's gonna be it's gonna be our call, but we're gonna make it available wherever we can at no charge. But we're gonna have to have people like McDonald's I mean, that's a dream. Right, but let's keep it keep it in there anyway. They're gonna have to pay the freight for Red Cross. Right? 40:06 No, absolutely. So amazing. Brian, I want to thank you for your time today. If there's any last minute comments, remarks statement that you'd like to leave, you know, our viewers, what might that be? 40:23 My heartfelt thanks to everybody for the support, the encouragement, the enthusiasm for the project. We love it. And we appreciate it from everybody, the bees, the best people I've ever known. 40:36 Wow. Well, again, thank you. Thank you. We're just about up on our time. Again, I was so happy to be able to convince you I know how to twist your arm a couple of times to be on the show today. But fantastic show. I love the the project that you're working on. And absolutely, what should I bet that success and let me know if there's anything I or anybody can do. I mean, get it? You know, get it out there with specifics. Hey, I need ABCD. And you've got the support from all of us to do that. 41:09 Thank you so much. Thank you so much for the time and the offer and all the support everybody. 41:14 You're welcome. You're welcome. All right, guys and gals till next week. Thank you again for supporting and watching the swarm unplugged and we'll see you next Wednesday at 12 Noon. 41:35 You ever been listening to social BS radio when we put the honey in the honey pots? Make sure to check out our next episode of social BS radio. Till then signing off